Yes No
Home Cell Work
Uncomplicated Premature Complicated by Allergies None Epi pen prescribed Drugs (list) Foods (list) Other (list)
Asthma (check severity and attach MAF/Asthma Action Plan): Intermittent Mild Persistent Moderate Persistent Severe Persistent If persistent, check all current medication(s): Inhaled corticosteriod Other controller Quick relief med Oral steroid None
None Yes (list below) Dietary Restrictions None Yes (list below)
Heigh cm (%lle) Weight kg (%lle) BMI kg/m2 (%lle) Head Circumference (age ≤2 yrs cm (%lle) Blood Pressure (age ≥3 yrs) /
(age 0-6 yrs) Within normal limits If delay suspected, specify below Cognitive (e.g., play skills) Communication/Language Social/Emotional Adaptive/Self-Help Motor
(required at age 1 yr and 2 yrs and for those at risk)
(annually, age 6 mo-6 yrs)
Pure tone audiometry OAE
(required for new school entrants and children age 4–7 yrs)
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