COVID 2019

By   /  March 1, 2020  /  No Comments


To Big Apple Community,

I’m going to speak to you about an important topic that is on everyone’s mind…Coronavirus 2019 or COVID 2019, as it is now labeled. Our School and Day Care Centers has taken proactive precautions.

On Monday all air filters in our buildings heating and cooling systems will be replaced. Every evening, solid surfaces are cleaned with a multi-surface cleaner and disinfectant. These products are designed specifically for educational, healthcare and building service applications. Additionally, we take care to clean the bottom surfaces of students’ desks and chairs, as well as any classroom features that multiple students and staff may touch, like doorknobs and common use computer keyboards. All classrooms will be equipped with a NEW hand sanitizers pumps.

All school buses will be sanitized on a weekly basis.

While there are no reported cases of COVID 19 in NYC, as of this message, we do have school operation contingency plans if any case of COVID 19 affects our community or schools. Together, as a school and community team, we can maximize our schools’ environmental safety by making sure that students who appear sick or who have elevated temperatures remain home. Children with any symptoms of sickness will be ISOLATED from their classrooms and will be sent home immediately after contacting their families.

We will continue the monitor the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state agencies for information, guidance and future planning. We will update the home page of our website with new information as we receive it.

Do not hesitate to contact me at 718-333-0300 if you have any questions or concerns.

Vlad Gorny



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