Expect This Term: April, May, and June
By admin / April 5, 2016 /
To be expected in April:
- Spring Masquerade /Grades K-2 (April 1st)
- PTC for Grades 6 and 7 / (April 4th)
- Fire Safety Workshop/ Grades K-2 (April 4th and April 5th)
- Athletic Tournament/ Grades K-2 (April 4th – April 14th)
- ELA New York State Test/ Grades 3-8 (April 5th – April 7th)
- Nutrition and Health Workshop/ Grades K-2 (April 8th)
- Living Environment Regents Diagnostic Test/ Grade 8 (April 11th)
- Model Matzah Baking Workshop / Grade 1 and 2 (April 11th – April 13th)
- Mathematics New York State Test/ Grade 3 8 (April 13th – April 15th)
- National Science League / Grades 2 8 (April 18th)
- National Social Studies League / Grades 2-8 (April 19th)
- National Language Arts League / Grade 3 8 (April 21st )
- Word Master Challenge / Grades 3-8 (April 20th)
- NLAL Olympics / Grades 1-2 (April 20th)

To be expected in May:
- Living Environment Lab Review Round 2 / Grade 8 (May 2nd)
- Jeopardy Game / Grades 6 and 7 (May 6th)
- Celebrating A Great Victory / Russian Department (May 9th)
- Math League Olympics / Grades 3, 4, and 5 (May 10th)
- Science State Test Performance/ Grades 4 and 8 (May 25th – June 3rd)
- Math Diagnostic Test / Grades K-2 (May 25th)
- Spelling Bee Contest /Grades 1 and 2 (May 26th)
- Speed Reading Assessment / Kindergarten (May 31st- June 3rd)

To be expected in June:
- Science State Test Written Part/ Grades 4 and 8 (June 6th )
- Reading Assessment / Grade 1 and 2 (June 7th)
- Award Ceremony English Department (June 8th)
- Award Ceremony Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics Departments (June 9)
- Star Student Breakfast / Kindergarten (June 10th)
- Living Environment Regents Exam / Grade 8 (June 15th)
- U.S. History and Government Regents Exam / Grade 8 (June 15th)
- Field Trip / Grades 6 and 7 (June 15th)
- Breakfast with Principal for Honor Roll Students/ Grade 1-8 (June 16th)
- Geometry Common Core Regents Exam / (June 17th )
- Field Trip/ Grades 4 and 5 (June 17th )
- President’s Award Ceremony /Grades 1 and 2 (June 24th)
- Last Day of School/ All Grades (June 24th)