“Making America Great Again”

By   /  November 4, 2016  /  No Comments

The year of 2016 is a leap year. 5-B students of Big Apple Academy made a giant leap into the future. They conducted the school wide 2016 Mock Elections on November 3, 2016. Not only these patriotically savvy youngsters declared their allegiance to one of the candidates, they have also demonstrated that “Making America Great Again” is up to every citizen, no matter how young and old. Patriotism can be bolstered through education and upbringing, but it also can be learned through a well-set example. So, dear parents, your children set a great example for you, and it is now your turn to follow in their footsteps. Our students elected a Republican candidate with an unprecedented landslide – 85% of the popular vote. Now the choice is yours! Show your true colors!

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