Principal’s Desk 8-27-2021

By   /  August 27, 2021  /  No Comments

Dear Parents,
Teachers, staff, and administration of the Big Apple Academy are optimistically looking forward to the beginning of the new academic year. Since we plan to start implementing several changes to school practices, the following Principal’s Desk issue will be dedicated to important information that all parents should be familiar with. I am confident that the procedures mentioned below will improve student achievement and strengthen our academic programs.

First Day of School:
Classes for Kindergarten students will begin on Wednesday, September 1st. We welcome our little ones to our Lake Street location a few days earlier than other grade levels. The additional school time will allow them to adjust to the unfamiliar school settings and rigorous school schedule. Teaching instruction for Classes 1-8 will begin on Thursday, September 9th.

Student Pick Up
For the past two years, we embraced parents’ requests and allowed child pick-up at any time after the instructional hours. Unfortunately, this practice did not meet the needs of our academic programs. Therefore, we have to return to the practice that has been in use for more than two decades: parents will no longer be allowed to pick up their children during Homework Preparation Time. Instead, parents will be able to pick up their children either before or after Homework Prep. during the designated student Pick up Time.

COVID Safety Protocol:
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, the Big Apple Academy will continue to perform weekly COVID testing. The school administration will provide families with the testing information in September. The detailed School Safety Protocol is posted on the school website.
I urge all parents to read the entire document that contains important information regarding student transportation, face covering, social distancing, etc.
Please follow the link below:

LiveStream Policy (be aware of changes!)

Starting September 2021, all students of Big Apple Academy should identify their learning status as “Fully In-person” or “Fully Remote.” Parents must make this decision at the beginning of the academic year.
It means that students who choose to attend school in-person cannot switch their attendance status and utilize our Live Stream System from home as they used to do during the previous academic year. However, “Fully In-person” students can request access to the Live Stream System if their health issues or family circumstances prevent them from attending school for a prolonged period. Live Stream System Request will be granted to students due to the following circumstances:
1. Medical issues that proceed longer than five school days;
2. Family circumstances prevent a student from attending school in person.

In both cases, parents should present a doctor’s note or other supporting documentation and submit their request for LiveStream Access to the Principal’s Office. Please note that Livestream Access will not be granted to students during their family vacations.

Digital Programs

As I announced earlier, our 5th Graders will also obtain an opportunity to participate in our digital program. On October 25, all 5th Grade students will be provided with their laptops for in-school use. We kindly ask all parents to go over and sign the Technology Agreement that will be distributed to students at the end of September. Digital program for grades 6-8 will be launched on September 15th.

Information for Fully Remote Students

All parents of fully remote students should pick up textbooks and learning materials between August 30th and September 3rd. Please note that all packages will be labeled and located by the school security desk. Textbooks and learning materials will be distributed at the school backyard of 86th Street Building (Grades 3-8) and at the front yard of our Lake Street location. (Grades K-2).

I cordially invite you to greet this school year with enthusiasm and hard work building the academic future of our children!

Welcome Back to the Big Apple Academy!

Best regards,

Vlad Gorny


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