Principal’s Desk. Sharing Great News!

By   /  March 2, 2016  /  No Comments






Dear Parents!

I am overjoyed at this opportunity to share with you our latest good news! The Big Apple Academy has been recently nominated for the National Blue Ribbon School Reward!  We all worked very hard to earn this prestigious nomination and therefore it is time to celebrate for all members of the Big Apple Academy’s community–parents, students, teachers, and the members of the school’s administration!  I extend my deepest appreciation to you and your families for your valuable contributions toward the Blue Ribbon nomination.

The Blue Ribbon Award is one of the highest attainable honors in the field of education facilitated by the Federal Government since 1982. In order to apply for a nomination, a school must outperform all other schools in its state and place in the top 15 percentile for state assessments.  Our students and teachers met this requirement by demonstrating excellent academic performances that placed the Big Apple Academy at the top 10% of all the schools in New York State based on our students’ State Test scores in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Qualifying for the nomination for the National Blue Ribbon Award opens a new array of opportunities for our teachers and students. From now on, our school will be recognized not only at the state level, but also at the national level. Another important purpose of the program is to promote exchange of academic ideas and innovations in order to improve our educational system. In this respect, the Big Apple Academy has a lot to offer to the national community of schools.

The administration, teachers and staff at the Big Apple Academy take the Blue Ribbon Nomination very seriously.  We view it as an opportunity to advance our commitment in achieving “Excellence in education” as well as taking Big Apple Academy’s student body to a new frontier —nation-wide recognition!

Truly yours,

Vlad Gorny

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