

08.26.2022  |  No Comments

Dear Parents,Teachers, staff, and the Big Apple Academy administration are optimistically looking forward to the beginning of the new academic year. The following Principal’s Desk issue will … Continue Reading


08.26.2022  |  No Comments

Dear Parents, It is hard to believe we are just weeks away from the new academic journey. I am delighted to welcome all students back to school … Continue Reading

ENGLISH contest winners 2022

05.26.2022  |  No Comments

The English Department is Celebrating Success! Our students’ determination, perseverance, and continued hard work have brought high, well-deserved honors in the National Language Arts League. As always, … Continue Reading

Expect this term – Upcoming Events

05.13.2022  |  No Comments

To be expected in May:• Dedication to Mothers / 5C Production (May 17)• Social Studies and Science Award Ceremony / Grades 2-8 (May 19)• Department of Mathematics … Continue Reading

Principal’s message

04.12.2022  |  No Comments

Dear parents, teachers, and members of the Big Apple Academy’s extended family, Our students’ determination and continued hard work have surely paid off with the great results … Continue Reading

Back to our Alma Mater

01.20.2022  |  No Comments

It is admirable that the Big Apple Academy Alumni still find time to maintain a strong bond with the school despite their busy schedules and all other … Continue Reading

WordMasters Challenge

01.11.2022  |  No Comments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 2022 Several teams representing Big Apple Academy achieved Highest Honors in the recent WordMasters Challenge™—a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 125,000 students annually. The … Continue Reading

Expect This Term – Calendar of Events

01.11.2022  |  No Comments

January 2022  • ELA Prep Begins / Grades 3-8 (January 3)  • In the World of Russian Literature / 5C Presents (January – 12)  • ELA Diagnostic … Continue Reading

A school-wide “Lockdown Drill” • Principal’s Desk

12.07.2021  |  No Comments

Dear Parents, The administration of the Big Apple Academy considers the safety and welfare of our students to be a top priority. On Thursday, December 9, the … Continue Reading

Jeopardy • Everyone’s a winner

12.06.2021  |  No Comments

Children learn best when knowledge is acquired naturally through social interactions, sharing of expertise, and various experiences brought to the classrooms from the outside world. When children … Continue Reading