PSAT 2017

By   /  January 11, 2017  /  No Comments

Welcoming the Promising Future!

The Big Apple Academy’s students unraveled their full  arsenal of knowledge for the PSAT 8-9 scrimmage 2016-2017.  Their scores surpassed even our highest expectations!  An average score demonstrated by our 8th graders is 205 points higher than an average result exhibited by 11th graders nationwide. Teachers and students alike point out that the format of the 2016 test was significantly different from the previous years, and its level of difficulty sufficiently increased. This, however, did not preclude our students from demonstrating more than impressive results.
99% of our students scored higher than the Benchmark Level of preparedness in Math and English required for pursuing degrees in our nation’s best colleges and universities. We applaud our students’ academic success! The administration and teachers of the Big Apple Academy genuinely extend their warmest congratulations to our 8th graders and their families!

What is PSAT?

The PSAT is a nationwide, multiple-choice test taken by about 3.4 million high school students every year –mostly sophomores and juniors. A great primer for the SAT and even the ACT, the PSAT includes math, evidence-based reading and writing questions. The PSAT doesn’t count towards college admissions. However, it is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarships. That means that the highest scoring students may win scholarship money. In short, the PSAT is a student’s first official step on the road to college.

Taking PSAT in Eighth Grade?

The Big Apple Academy offers students the accelerated and diversified curriculum in Mathematics that facilitates their intellectual growth, expands individual interests, and promotes students’ scholastic achievements. Ascending the academic ladder from one grade level to another right until the middle school, our students accumulate a great deal of knowledge that allows them to meet challenges of all types of testing. Therefore, our eight graders confidently participate in the PSAT exam each year. This experience brings many academic benefits to students and teachers. Students become familiar with the test format and receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses reflecting on skills necessary for college study. They can, then, focus their preparation on those areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice.

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