Spooky Saga

By   /  December 18, 2018  /  No Comments

Dear Parents,

It is my great pleasure to inform you that Spooky Sagas International Contest was an immense success for the Big Apple Academy. TWELVE THOUSAND entries from Texas and California to Ohio and Maine participated in this creative and fun contest. I am proud to announce that 118 entries from the Big Apple Academy grades 1 and 2 were chosen for publication.


Spooky Sagas – Stories From Brooklyn is scheduled to come out on February 28, 2019. The copy of this book will be available to parents for purchase at www.youngwritersusa.com or by calling 323-244-4784.


Congratulations to the winners, their parents, and last but not least their English teachers: Mrs. Emily, Mrs. Inga, Mrs. Jane, and Mrs. Svetlana! Keep up the great writing and never let any great opportunity pass you by!

Vlad Gorny


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