Class Parent

Guidelines and Ideas

Thank you for volunteering your time as a classroom parent. In addition to coordinating class parties and events, a classroom parent is the main source of communication between your teacher and the parents in your class.

Here are some guidelines, ideas and responsibilities of a class parent:

1) Generate a class list: Have parents fill out an info form (sample is in the back) and compile it into a class-list.  You may ask the classroom teacher to distribute the form to each child.

2) Introduce yourself to the other parents: Email an introduction letter and provide your contact information (sample letter is included).

3) Find out what the teacher wants help with: Teachers vary in what
they will want you to do. Does the teacher want parents to volunteer?
Do they want you to organize parents for trips? Events?

4) Inform parents about events: Remind parents of events, important dates and
activities that are coming up. This is a great way to increase parent
participation in these events.

5) Coordinate events: Class parents will organize parents for class
parties (such as the Holidays and/or end of the year). They will
coordinate with the teachers about what needs to be delegated – food,
activities, etc.

6) Inform parents of unexpected changes in class routines: Prolonged
teacher absence, snow-days, etc.

7) Advocate for families and class: If an issue comes up in your
classroom, help organize families to notify the classroom teacher and/or the Assistant Principal, Yelena Sklyar.

Thank you,
Big Apple Academy PTO

Sample Class Room Parent Introduction Letter