
Principal’s Desk SHSAT 2017

03.23.2017  |  No Comments

  Dear Class of 2017!   The administration and faculty of the Big Apple Academy salute your exemplary performance on the SHSAT exam! We recognize that it's … Continue Reading

PSAT 2017

01.11.2017  |  No Comments

Welcoming the Promising Future! The Big Apple Academy’s students unraveled their full  arsenal of knowledge for the PSAT 8-9 scrimmage 2016-2017.  Their scores surpassed even our highest … Continue Reading

Expect This Term : (January, February, March, and April)

01.10.2017  |  No Comments

To be expected in January: Individual Reading Assessment Kindergarten (January 9— January 13) Science Diagnostic Test / Grade 2 (January –23—Jenuary 26) U.S. History and Government Diagnostic … Continue Reading

“Making America Great Again”

11.04.2016  |  No Comments

The year of 2016 is a leap year. 5-B students of Big Apple Academy made a giant leap into the future. They conducted the school wide 2016 … Continue Reading

2016 Blue Ribbon Schools Named

09.28.2016  |  No Comments

2016 Blue Ribbon Schools Named   U.S. Secretary of Education John King today announced the names of schools identified by the U.S. Department of Education as the … Continue Reading

Principal’s Desk

09.28.2016  |  No Comments

Dear Big Apple Academy community! We are exceptionally proud to deliver our greatest and latest news! Today, the Big Apple Academy celebrates its history-making accomplishment–National recognition as … Continue Reading


09.28.2016  |  No Comments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Vlad Gorny, Principal Date: September 28, 2016   BIG APPLE ACADEMY IS NAMED ONE OF THE BEST IN THE NATION U.S. Secretary of … Continue Reading

Welcome Back to School! 2016 – 2017 School Year

08.31.2016  |  No Comments

      Welcome Back to School! 2016 – 2017 School Year Dear Parents, With warm summer days getting noticeably shorter, we all realize that the new … Continue Reading

The New York State assessment results

08.04.2016  |  No Comments

August 4, 2016 Dear Parents and Students of the Big Apple Academy, As you may have heard on the news, the New York State assessment results have … Continue Reading

Principal’s Desk

06.24.2016  |  No Comments

Dear Graduates, Although, sadly, this will be my last letter addressed to you as students of the Big Apple Academy, it carries the most important message. With … Continue Reading