
Art Contest 2019

12.14.2019  |  No Comments

The Big Apple Academy Presents:  Annual Art Exhibition Beauty of Art   “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow … Continue Reading

Sharing Great News! PSAT 2019

12.10.2019  |  No Comments

The Big Apple Academy's students unraveled their full arsenal of knowledge for the PSAT scrimmage 2019.  Their scores outperformed even our highest expectations! In English Language Arts, Big Apple … Continue Reading

Beyond Academics English Department. Literature Fair

12.04.2019  |  No Comments

  While the English Department at the Big Apple Academy presents students with regular challenges like additional readings, writing, grammar and spelling (INSERT your collective groans HERE), … Continue Reading

Principal’s Desk

11.15.2019  |  No Comments

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” Ronald Reagan   Dear Parents, With the holiday season right around the corner, we are thinking of those … Continue Reading

Expect This Term: November, December

10.29.2019  |  No Comments

Expect This Term : To be expected in November: Kindergarten PTC (Monday, November 4) Grades 1 and 2 PTC (Tuesday, November 5) Grades 3 and 4 PTC … Continue Reading

2019 NYC state test report

09.11.2019  |  No Comments

  Every year the Big Apple Academy publishes its annual School Accountability Report that reviews the New York State Tests results in Mathematics and ELA.  This report … Continue Reading


09.10.2019  |  No Comments

September 10, 2019 Dear Parents, As you know well, tomorrow is September 11, the day that we, as New Yorkers and Americans, pledged never to forget. The … Continue Reading

Principal’s Desk

08.29.2019  |  No Comments

Dear parents and students, Welcome back to the Big Apple Academy, a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School! Time flies fast, and the relaxing summer days are coming to an … Continue Reading

SHSAT results 2019

03.21.2019  |  No Comments

  Dear parents, teachers, and members of the Big Apple Academy’s extended family, Our students’ determination, perseverance, and continued hard work have surely paid off with the … Continue Reading

Kindergarten World

03.09.2019  |  No Comments

  Time flies with a speed of light and soon New York City Pre-K graduates will open the doors of their new kindergarten classrooms.  Some of them … Continue Reading